About Our Church

Our Mission & Vision

Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith

We are a people called to community by our experience of God through Jesus the Christ. Following the example of Jesus, we are committed to His model for living and work to continue His ministry in ways that make Him relevant for our age. We also give ourselves to be empowered by God’s Sprit and work to evangelize, nurture, challenge, and empower others to that they become God’s instruments – instruments for worship, witness, and service. We also celebrate the unique heritage of African American churches; therefore, our worship of God is festive and we do ministry in a way that demonstrates God’s concern for social situations.

Our Fundamental Beliefs

African Methodist Episcopal Zionites believe:
1. Jesus is the son of God.
2. Jesus died and rose three days later to save us from our sins. Salvation comes only by faith or trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
3. In the Holy Trinity, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
4. We believe in the Holy Bible and use it as our guide in life, and worship.
5. Christian Perfection:
The goal of a Christian is to become like Christ in thought, work, and deed.
6. Divine Judgment:
God is the just Judge of all the earth.
7. The church is present wherever the pure Word of God is preached and the Holy Sacrament is duly administered.
8. Marks of a Methodist Christian First, one has been saved, and is being continuously transformed by the Spirit of God in Christ, secondly, one is ever seeking to transform human life or the world into the kingdom of God.


Our History

The A.M.E. Zion Church developed during slavery as a church home to such notable freedom fighters as Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth.  As slavery ended, the church continued its work throughout the eastern and southeastern United States ministering to the needs of newly freed men and women.   The A.M.E. Zion Church continued to play a significant role in improving the lives of African-Americans, through the changes brought about during the civil rights movement to grassroots ministries that impact lives today.

St. Mark AME Zion Church was founded in 1965 by sisters Marybelle Whiteman, Betty Banks and Ruth Simpson.  Their father, Rev. T.I. Johnson, was a minister in the A.M.E. Zion Church.

Our Pastor & Ministerial Team

Rev. LaKendra Hightower, Pastor
Rev. Dalphine Parrish
Rev. Nonzuzo Brown
Rev. Reiko Brown
Rev. LaShawn McGrue

Connectional Leadership

Anthony N. Witherspoon, Presiding Prelate
Southwestern Delta Episcopal District

Rev. Dr. Kay M. Gabriel
Missionary Supervisor

Rev. Dr. Darius Benton, Presiding Elder
Dallas/Ft. Worth District

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